Due to the unavailability of the Long Ashton Range, the 2025 SSBSA Somerset Open Shoot will be a postal competition. There will be an option to shoot at either 50m or 20/25yds, prone or bench rest. You can choose to shoot either, or both, of the distances.

The cards are to be shot within the month of April and can be scored by your club’s NSRA qualified scorer.

The competitions will be shot in classes so there’s something for everyone from expert to beginner; old hands or first timers.

The shoot is open to all members of NSRA affiliated clubs.

Entry to the Somerset Open Shoot, April 2025

To enter the Open Shoot you can submit your entry on-line.

Your entry fee can be paid by BACS transfer or by cheque posted to the address that can be found on the printable entry form. If you submit an on-line entry and are subsequently unable to take part, please advise us as soon as possible and in any case at least 4 days prior to the start of the shoot.

If you prefer to enter by post or email please download a printable entry form.

Print & complete your entry and then either post it, or scan and email it, to the address on the form. You can post your entry fee with your form or send it by BACS. If you submit an entry and are subsequently unable to attend, please advise us as soon as possible and in any case at least 4 days prior to the start of the shoot.

Results will be posted on the SSBSA website - see the Data Protection information on the entry form.

Competition Rules

  1. NSRA Rules and Regulations will apply except for ties that will be decided as set out in rule 7 below.
  2. Ranges. All shooting must be conducted on approved ranges. 50m ranges must be outdoors.
  3. Rifles and Equipment. Any type of .22 calibre rifle, single shot, bolt or martini action rifle may be used. Telescopic sights may only be used in the bench rest competitions. Rifles, sights, clothing etc must conform to NSRA rules.
  4. Targets. Only NSRA targets bearing the “– 18” suffix to their reference number are acceptable.
    Bench rest targets, both 50m and 25yd, and also prone 25yd, should be the 10 bull type - 10 shots to count on each card.
    Prone 50m targets should be either 2 bull cards, 10 shots to count on each card, or 6 bull cards, two for sighters and four to receive a total of 20 shots to count.
  5. Stickers. The issued stickers must be applied to complete sets of target cards before shooting commences.
  6. Scoring. Scoring shall generally be in accordance with section 5 of the NSRA scoring regulations. Scorers must be NSRA qualified to either Class A, B or C. If a suitably qualified scorer is not available cards may be posted to the competition organiser for scoring. Only NSRA approved plug gauges may be used or the NSRA overlay gauge where necessary on 50m prone targets.
  7. Ties. Bench rest - the total number of Xs will be taken into account followed by countback from the last card.
    Prone – will be decided on count back from the last card.
    If scores still remain tied cards will be called in for scrutiny by the competition organisers.
  8. Averages. The best 5 of the last 6 officially scored cards should be used to calculate averages. Competitors will be allocated to classes in accordance with their submitted averages and the numbers entering each competition. The Association reserves the right to reclassify any competitor whose declared average appears to be incorrect and, if numbers entering any particular competition are small, to allocate only one or two classes in that competition. If no averages are given then class X will be assumed.