The next SSBSA Somerset Open Shoot will be held at the Bristol range of the Long Ashton & District Association in April 2025.

Next year’s shoot will include a bench rest competition as well as prone.

The competitions will be shot in four classes so there’s something for everyone from expert to beginner; old hands or first timers.
It’s a friendly event, open to all members of NSRA affiliated clubs.
We look forward to meeting you!

Entry to the Somerset Open Shoot, April 2025

NB Entry will open approximately 3 months prior to the shoot

To enter the Open Shoot you can submit your entry on-line.

Your entry fee can be paid by BACS transfer or on arrival at the range. If you submit an on-line entry and are subsequently unable to attend, please advise us as soon as possible and in any case at least 4 days prior to the shoot.

If you prefer to enter by post or email please download a printable entry form.

Print & complete your entry and then either post it, or scan and email it, to the address on the form. You can post your entry fee with your form, send by BACS or pay on the day. If you submit an entry and are subsequently unable to attend, please advise us as soon as possible and in any case at least 4 days prior to the shoot.

Squadding notices will be issued by email unless a printed copy is requested, in which case please send an s.a.e. Results will be posted on the SSBSA website - see the Data Protection information below.


The following is a summary of the Rules and Information for this competition. The downloadable version that includes an entry form (see above) is the latest available and takes precedence over this online version.

The range of the Long Ashton & District Association of Small-bore Rifle Clubs at Flax Bourton, Bristol

English Match (60 shots at 50 metres) using the 3 cards system for prone and 10 bull cards for bench rest.

The competition will be shot in four classes that will be assigned according to submitted averages.
The committee reserves the right to re-classify competitors.
If no average is given Class X will be allocated.


Squad 1

Squad 2

Squad 3

Squad 4

09:30 to 10:50hrs

11:20 to 12:40hrs

13:10 to 14:30hrs

15:00 to 16:20hrs


The match will be shot over 3 details each of 20 minutes, for unlimited sighters and 20 shots to count. Details will start and finish on signals given by the Range Officer. A 10 minute period will be allowed between details for change of targets. A 30 minute period will be allowed between squads to allow competitors sufficient time to prepare for the shoot.

Details will start and finish on signals given by the Range Officer.

Rifles may be assembled off the firing point with a breech flag inserted and clearly visible or the bolt or action removed. When carrying your assembled rifle onto the firing point it must be held with the barrel pointing upwards. Uncased rifles are not permitted in the clubroom.


Open Competitions - Prone & Bench Rest

  • Aggregate in four classes (X, A, B & C)

Open Competition - Prone Only

  • Ladies Championship.
  • Veterans Championship. (Aged 60 or over on the day of the shoot)
  • Junior Championship. (Aged under 21 on the day of the shoot)
  • Pairs Championship in two classes (X/A and B/C)
  • Team Championship. (Club teams of four)

Closed Competition - Prone Only

  • Team Handicap Competition for SSBSA Affiliated Club teams of four. ( X - Scratch; A - 12 Pts; B - 18 Pts; C - 30 Pts)

All competitions will be shot concurrently. Prizes and trophies will be presented at the range at the close of the meeting.

Prizes will be awarded to the leading competitors in each class together with The Team Handicap (Somerset Only), Ladies, Junior, Veteran and Pairs Competitors. NB.: Perpetual trophies must be returned to the organiser for engraving 2 months before the next awarding.


  1. NSRA rules and regulations will apply except for ties. For Prone this will be decided on countback from the last card, the bottom pair of diagrams being considered the last card. For Bench Rest countback will be used initially followed by the number of Xs scored if necessary. The Range Committee will settle any disputes and their decision will be final.
  2. Averages should be calculated from the best 5 of the last 6 officially scored cards. Competitors will be allocated to each class in accordance with averages submitted, except for previous years winners who will be allocated to a higher class. The Range Committee reserves the right to reclassify any competitor whose declared average appears to be incorrect.
  3. Teams must comprise four members of the same club.
  4. Recorded Scores. It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure that their scores are correctly recorded on the exhibited lists. A score may be challenged on a deposit of £3.00 which will be returned if the challenge is upheld. The Association will not enter into any correspondence regarding missing or disputed scores after the close of the meeting.
  5. Disciplinary matters. The procedure for dealing with any disciplinary matters is fully documented within the "SSBSA Rifle & Airgun Competition Rules & Format", a copy of which is available upon request.
  6. Range Register. All competitors must sign the Range Register and visitors must sign the competition Clubroom Register available on the day.
  7. Squadding details, including squad time, competitor number & firing point, will be displayed in the clubhouse.
  8. Squads will commence promptly at the times stated. Competitors must allow sufficient preparation time so as to be ready to shoot at those times.
  9. Targets and backing cards will be available on the firing point prior to your squadding time. Competitor number, firing point number, and detail number will be found on all targets and backers - is the competitor’s responsibility to check that this information is correct. Queries must be resolved with the range officer before shooting commences. Bulldog clips are required.
  10. Shot targets and backers are to be handed to the Range Officer at the end of each detail.
  11. Breech flags must be used when rifles are not in use but uncovered and with the bolt or action in place.
  12. Removal of equipment. Competitors should remove their equipment from the firing point at the end of their last detail before collecting their targets.
  13. Squadding. Every competitor whose entry is accepted and entry fee paid will be squadded at their chosen time. Should the chosen squad be filled, the competitor will be offered whatever detail is available. In the event of a competitor being unable to attend, any entry fees paid, less 20%, will be refunded if the meeting organiser is informed at least 2 days before the meeting.


All firing points are covered.
Ammunition will not be on sale.
Car parking facilities are available.
The Long Ashton Range and Clubroom are non-smoking areas.
Further information can be obtained from the "Somerset Small Bore Shooting Association Rifle and Airgun Competitions, Rules & Format", available upon request.

A selection of snacks along with tea, coffee and squash will be available for purchase in the Clubroom.

The Association will not accept responsibility for articles owned by competitors or others at the meeting that may be damaged, lost or stolen from the Range or its surroundings. Rifles and other equipment should be locked securely and out of sight in your vehicle when not competing.

Parking is available on site. Vehicles are parked at their owner’s risk and the Association will not accept responsibility for loss, damage or theft of or from vehicles parked at the Range or its surroundings.

The range is located at Flax Bourton, North Somerset. It is situated on the B3130 a quarter mile north of the A370 Junction. Bear left at the first double roundabout and immediately right up the lane ahead of you through the set of green gates. The closest post code for your satnav is BS48 1NJ.
A location map for the Range can be found below.

Completed entry forms should be sent to the Long Range Organiser at the address shown on the form. Squadding times will be notified by email. If you require postal notification a stamped, self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the entry form.

The SSBSA will store the information provided on your entry form on a secure computer for the purposes of the administration of the competition, distribution of results & notification of future events. Forms will be retained for a period of up to six years after the competition. Results will be retained indefinitely for the purposes of future reference & maintaining historical records, and as such may be distributed to interested parties.

It is a condition of entry that competitors agree to their surname & initials, club & scores appearing in the results of the meeting, however these results may be published, including on the SSBSA website. The SSBSA will not use any competitor’s data for commercial purposes nor give permission for such use to a third party. Submission of an Entry Form indicates acceptance of this condition and the competition rules.

All results will be published on the SSBSA website and will be emailed to competitors supplying an email address on their entry form.