Summer and Winter 10 Round Postal League Competitions
10m - 20 shots per round for all Divisions; 5 shots per competition target; for both Air Pistol & Air Rifle including 10m Bench-Rest Air Rifle.
20yds Air Pistol - 20 shots per round; 10 shots on each of two PL15 targets.
10m Acoustic Air Rifle - 20 shots per round; 2 shots per card.
20yd Lightweight Sport Rifle - 20 shots per round; 5 shots per card.
20/25yd Bench Rest - 20 shots per round; 10 shots per card.
An entry form for the Air Postal Leagues is available here.
County Silver Medal Competition
A competition open to shooters resident within the County of Somerset who are affiliated to the SSBSA either directly or through a club affiliated to the SSBSA. This competition is run concurrently with the Winter League.
The leading gun-scorers will be designated the County Air Rifle, County Pistol or County Bench Rest Champion and will each be awarded a Silver Medal.
Individuals who have won a Silver Medal cannot be awarded it in future years. However, should they win the Competition again a replica will be awarded.
Major Hutchinson Memorial Shoot
An individual postal competition. Dependant on the number of entries, to be shot in three classes. The competition comprises two courses of fire of 40 shots on appropriate targets for all disciplines.
An entry form for the Mjr Hutchinson Memorial Shoot is available here.
County Badge
Any shooter who shoots at least all but one of the season's Inter-County matches in any inter-County Team will be entitled to a County Badge.
NB: Only one County Badge is issued to any individual shooter.
A copy of the Association's Competition Rules & Format can be downloaded here.